Lights! Camera! Clueless!Liam Wright is Hollywood’s golden boy and at the top of the A-list.
But what he doesn’t know about life… Well, it could fill his very large Hollywood mansion. Thankfully, he’s got Shelby Carter in his world to keep him—and his house—camera-ready. Part confidante, part master chef, Shelby is his best friend and the only one who knows the real Liam.
Pampered, pretty, and often puzzled, Liam and his antics keep her on her toes, and there is never a dull moment living with him.
Until one day, Liam sees her as more…and he wants her to see him for the man he can be. The man he wants to be.
For her.
Is Liam up for the part?
Liam and Shelby give me LIFE in Changing Roles by Melanie Moreland! This friends to lovers romance has it all…laughs, swoon-worthy moments and sexiness that had me hooked from the first chapter! I loved Liam and Shelby’s witty banter and their chemistry literally had me smiling through the entire book!
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Rescue Needed: https://bookandmainbites.com/story/43094
Not Alot of Blood in that Head: https://bookandmainbites.com/story/43810
It hit me like a ton of bricks: https://bookandmainbites.com/story/43902
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I filled the sink beside her with warm water, planning on soaking her feet and then bandaging them.
“The dress,” she whispered.
I groaned. I didn’t care about the bloody dress. But I knew she did. “Take it off, then.”
“Right here?”
“Shelby, I’ve seen you in a bathing suit. I think I can handle your underwear.”
Chuckling, I shrugged out of my jacket and unbuttoned my shirt, yanking it off, leaving me in my undershirt. “You can put this on.” I wrapped my arm around her. “Come on, I’ll help you.” Gently, I set her on the floor, my eyes following her hand as she pulled down the hidden zipper on her dress. The deep-red gown pooled at her feet, and I swallowed when I saw what was hiding underneath the satin.
Her bathing suit, I could handle.
This, I wasn’t sure about.
Red. Lacy. Strapless.
A bustier.
My gaze drifted downward.
Tiny scraps of fabric tied at her hips in the same shade of red, leaving a tantalizing strip of soft flesh between the bustier and her underwear. A strip I wanted to lick.
And the underwear…tiny straps with bows that led to…
I shut my eyes as the room became far too small and far too hot. All the blood in my body was now pooled in one place.
My hard, aching cock.
Which was at that very moment trying to punch its way out of my pants to get to that red lace.
Bugger. Shit. Damn.
I gulped in air. Tried to think of anything else. Puppies. Worms. Everett in his underwear. Anything but the warm, red-lace-wearing woman in front of me.
Who was in pain and needed me to look after her.
Not lift her back onto the counter and fuck her until she screamed my name.
At least once.
Three or four times, preferably.
Her voice broke through my thoughts. “Liam?”
I blinked at her and handed her my shirt. I needed to rein myself in. “Put this on, Shelby, please.”
With downcast eyes, she did as I asked. I realized she thought I wanted her to cover up for a different reason than I needed her to cover up. I cupped her cheek. “Hey.”
Her hesitant gaze met mine. I covered her mouth with my lips, yanking her close. I pulled her hips against mine so she knew how she was affecting me. Her eyes flew open, meeting mine that were already staring at her—trying to convey a hard message.
I smiled against her lips. “Just for now, Beaker. Or your feet won’t be the only thing that’s sore.”
I set her back on the counter, keeping my eyes averted. She hissed in pain as I placed her feet in the warm water. I grimaced in understanding. “Sorry. Now, where can I find bandages?”
“My bathroom has a first aid kit. Left cupboard by the vanity.”
“Okay, stay here.”
“Where else am I gonna go?”
I hesitated. “I’m not gonna have to touch…other things to get to the kit thing, am I?”
She smirked. “Other things, Liam?”
I rubbed the back of my neck. “Um…your girl…things, Shelby?”
“No, you’re quite safe.” She winked. “Just make sure you open the left cupboard. Not the right.”
“No, left.”
“Bloody hell, don’t confuse me! I don’t have a lot of blood in that particular head right now!”
Her amusement followed me down the hall.
It was music to my ears.
About the Author:
NYT/WSJ/USAT bestselling author Melanie Moreland, lives a happy and content life in a quiet area of Ontario with her beloved husband of twenty-seven-plus years and their rescue cat, Amber. Nothing means more to her than her friends and family, and she cherishes every moment spent with them.
While seriously addicted to coffee, and highly challenged with all things computer-related and technical, she relishes baking, cooking, and trying new recipes for people to sample. She loves to throw dinner parties, and also enjoys traveling, here and abroad, but finds coming home is always the best part of any trip.
Melanie loves stories, especially paired with a good wine, and enjoys skydiving (free falling over a fleck of dust) extreme snowboarding (falling down stairs) and piloting her own helicopter (tripping over her own feet.) She’s learned happily ever afters, even bumpy ones, are all in how you tell the story.
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